Corporate information, corporate philosophy, executives | TAKASAGO TEKKO K.K.

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Corporate Information

Corporate philosophy

Basic philosophy

With steel positioned as our core business, the Takasago Group seeks to contribute to its customers and to society by creating and delivering high value.
From out start as a manufacturer of cold rolled steep strips and rolled stainless steel, across the wide range of industrial fields in which these products play a central role, we seek to contribute to society by creating unique products, technologies, and services that precisely meet the needs of our customers in Japan and abroad.

Management philosophy

  • We strive to create products, technologies, and services that strengthen the development capacity of our customers.
  • We strive to achieve a clear sense of self-awareness as a member of the international community; to maintain strong corporate ethics in compliance with domestic and foreign laws; and to work to fulfill our corporate responsibility.
  • All of our employees pursue their duties with a passion and tenacity second to none, working as one to build a strong corporate culture.


Kanji Kato / Representative Director and President
Kanji Kato
Representative Director and President

Representative Director and President Kanji Kato
Managing Directors Katsuhito Matsui General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept .
Responsible for General Affairs, Accounting,
Sales Dept and Sales Dept2,
General Manager of Procurement Dept.
Directors Norikazu Satomi
Responsible for Quality Assurance, General Manager of Manufacturing
Directors, Audit Committee members Tatsuhiro Yokotani  
Tsutomu Shiraishi
(Part time)
Daisuke Maeda (Part time)
Nippon Steel Stainless Steel Corporation